Felt is a central material in all APTO collections and designs. Choosing the right felt color is a crucial factor in creating the desired atmosphere and ambiance in a room. Get an overview here on this page.
We always have the felt color 00-26 | Dark Grey in stock. This color perfectly complements our powder-coated Extend Shelving System and the Adapt Board organization board. Therefore, this felt color is available in our selection:
The demand for other colors is significant, as the choice of felt color greatly impacts the overall expression. Below are some customer favorites. If you're looking for a different color, we can send an extended guide. Please note that custom colors may have longer delivery times. Inquire when placing your order.
Disclaimer: There will always be a difference between digital color samples and the final felt material. We can always send physical felt samples if you're interested.
00-26 | Dark Grey
00-38 | Light Grey
00-52 | Rusty Brown
00-29 | Mint Green
00-06 | Beige
00-23 | Clear Blue
In the transformation of Agito Medical's office, the focus was on creating warmth and ambiance in the spaces. Besides lighting, textiles and felt were the key elements in achieving the desired atmosphere. Beige and Rusty Brown felt were chosen for this project.
Jyske Bank's green color is central to their interior design in the office building KANT in Aalborg. Here, our standard Dark Grey felt has been selected. The tones work incredibly well together, creating a harmonious decor.
Felt Drawer slim er at finde i fire forskellige farver; Dark Gray, Light Grey, Beige og Petrolium.
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Filten er fremstillet af op til 70 % genanvendt plastik og er dermed et bedre alternativ end andre ikke-upcyclede indretningsløsninger. Derudover er vores filtprodukter optimeret til fladpakning, hvilket reducerer CO2-emissioner.
Filten har flere unikke egenskaber, såsom at være fleksibel og samtidig tilpas slagfast. Dens visuelle udseende, der minder om strukturen i et tæppe, skaber en hjemlig følelse på kontoret og forbedrer også akustikken i rummet.
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Fill in your information below and we will help you with direct access to our entire collection in pCon.box.
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